Friday, January 23, 2009

On the road Again!

Well, I will be traveling to Austin, Texas next week. I am going with friends (A & Q) who are attending a conference. While they are at that I am going to relax and do some sight seeing.

I will definitely be looking for some quilt shops!

We are going to try to find time to go visit the Alamo while we are there........although it's about an hour away from where we'll be staying.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christmas 2008

Well, this is a picture of the whole family. We all went to visit my grandmother in Ohio for Christmas (my mom's mother). There are alot of us when you get us all together. We had a wonderful time! I hope everyone else's Christmas was as good as mine!!!!

Hello Again!

It has been so long since my last post I am ashamed. I was recently told I was "googled" by someone who found my page, so I decided to update it.

Things have been very busy. To date I have made 42 bears for hospice. I am only going to add one more photo-----this is one that came out really well. The man had worked for UPS for serveral years, and I was given his shirt to make the bear. I thought it turned out well, and the daughter loved it. Here's the picture.

I haven't done alot of quilting lately.....I should have some more time for that now that I am not teaching the accounting class for Fairmont State University. I have however finished up a baby quilt for a dear friend. She had a beautiful baby boy named Lincoln. Here's some pictures of that.